48th RANZCO Annual Scientific Congress

RANZCO's Annual Scientific Congresses bring together ophthalmologists from across Australia and overseas to share and discuss the latest innovations, techniques and advances in eye healthcare.

The 48th RANZCO Annual Scientific Congress will be held at Melbourne convention and exhibition centre in Melbourne CBD, where delegates can enjoy innovative specific learnings for practice managers, vision scientists, orthoptists, and ophthalmologists, as well as explore cutting edge scientific products the industry has to offer.

With topics such as glaucoma, cataract, cornea, uveitis and surgical retina featured in our packed scientific program, delegates can be sure to walk away with not only good memories but a wealth of knowledge.

Additionally, the Congress will feature renowned named lectures such as the Sir Norman Gregg Lecture, the Ida Mann Lecture, and the Hollows Lecture in which invited world-leading ophthalmologists explore important eye-health issues.

For more information visit http://www.ranzco2016.com.au/