World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment, and is on Thursday 14 October 2021.
This year’s World Sight Day theme is Love Your Eyes, and even though the COVID-19 pandemic is effecting all of us in different ways, it’s a great time to show our eyes some love.
We’re asking all Victorians to:
Take the pledge to #LoveYourEyes
- Have an eye test as soon as you can.
- Don’t ignore changes in your vision.
- Maintain your ongoing treatment if you have an existing eye condition.
How to get involved
- Post on social media on Thursday 14 October in support of World Sight Day, using the hashtags: #LoveYourEyes and #WorldSightDayAU – and tag us on Facebook @VisionInitiative
- Add the World Sight Day frame to your Facebook profile picture by clicking here. (Coming soon)
- Share a World Sight Day image.
- Include eye health messages in your regular communication with community members, clients, patients or members.
- Publish the prepared article in your newsletter or on your website.
To download images, right-click on the link and select “Save link as”.
Vision Initiative World Sight Day – Instagram image.
Vision Initiative World Sight Day – Twitter image.
Translated resources
Social media content is available in the following languages:
For more information, or to order copies of our previous years collateral, please contact us on 03 9656 2020 or at