National Diabetes Week

This National Diabetes Week, Diabetes Victoria have launched a new awareness raising campaign, Back to Basics.

The #BacktoBasics campaign will help educate Victorians about diabetes, as it is one of the most misunderstood
health conditions. Did you know that all people with diabetes have an increased risk of developing eye complications such as macula oedema, cataracts, glaucoma or the most common diabetic eye disease, diabetic retinopathy?

The Back to Basics campaign will include a series of videos released over the next 12 months explaining more about diabetes and including case studies of how people live with the different types of diabetes. The first video explains the prevalence of diabetes in Victoria, as well as the different types of diabetes.

To learn more about the Back to Basics campaign visit
To learn more about diabetes and eye health visit…/who-is-at-risk/diabetes