Blog: Untangling the relationship between glucose and blood vessel function in the eye

My younger brother was four years old when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. A previously well child, there were no obvious signs that his pancreas was under an insidious attack from his own immune system until his insulin ran out and he experienced dangerously high blood glucose levels.

Diabetes trial participants needed

Last November, CERA released the 'Out of Sight' report which identified that diabetes affects approximately one million Australian adults. The number is expected to double by the year 2025, posing major public health and economic concerns. However, little is known whether blood vessel dysfunction in the eye, which causes vision loss in people with diabetes, is due to the effects of high blood glucose (sugar) or an indirect result of chronic cell damage.

Out of Sight — a report into diabetic eye disease in Australia

Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute and the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) have published a new report sponsored by Novartis. Out of Sight – a report into diabetic eye disease in Australia provides an overview of the impact of diabetic eye disease in Australia and looks into what can be done to prevent vision loss caused by the complications of diabetes.

Diabetes and Eye Health Project – A blog by Amelia Lake

July 14 – 20 is National Diabetes Week and I’d like to tell you about one of the fantastic Vision Initiative activities: the Diabetes and Eye Health project. This project aims to increase rates of eye examinations in people with type 2 diabetes, and to improve the early detection and management of diabetic retinopathy – a condition that can lead to blindness in people with diabetes. It is being conducted as a collaboration between Vision 2020 Australia, Diabetes Australia – Victoria and The Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes.